頭戴式麥克風, 動圈式麥克風, 免手持麥克風 / 致力於生產及研發耳機、麥克風從線路到外觀客製化的設計及製造。


優佳達科技 服務簡介

優佳達科技實業有限公司是台灣一家擁有超過20年經驗的專業生產製造服務商. 我們成立於西元2017年, 在視聽電子產業領域上, 優佳達科技提供專業高品質的製造服務, 優佳達科技 總是可以達成客戶各種品質要求


  • 麥克風種類: 動圈式
  • 指向性: 全指向
  • 阻抗: 600 Ω ± 30%
  • 靈敏度: -79 dB ± 3 dB (0dB = 1 V/µ bar, at 1KHz)
  • 頻率響應: 50 Hz - 16KHz
  • 重量: 50 g (淨重) / 160 g (含包裝)
  • 線材: 4m 線長, 帶有3.5mm 接頭
  • 顏色: 黑色
Dynamic capsule head-worn microphone for hands-free operation.
This head-worn microphone is versatile, suitable for various applications and occasions including speeches, worship, school events, touring, hawking, stage performances, live streaming, and outdoor events. Designed for hands-free use, it features a comfortable handband to reduce discomfort. The adjustable boom microphone allows for personalized positioning. The full set includes a microphone unit with a 4-meter cable featuring a 3.5mm plug, along with an external 6.3mm plug for broader compatibility.
A microphone optimized for warm voice recording.
The dynamic microphone offers the advantage of not requiring additional power, making it convenient for various recording situations. The DM-193, equipped with a dynamic capsule, produces warmer sound voices, enhancing audio quality without the need for extra power sources.


頭戴式麥克風, 動圈式麥克風, 免手持麥克風

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